Home and commercial inspection services.
Services and Standards of Practice (SOP)

Structural Systems
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect the structural system, Including structural components including foundation and framing.
B. Probing
1. A home inspector shall probe a representative number of structural components where deterioration is suspected or where clear indications of possible deterioration exist.
2. Probing is not required:
a. If it will damage any finished surface: or
b. Where no deterioration is visible.
C. A home inspector shall describe the structural system, Including the:
1. Foundation, and report the methods used to inspect the under-floor crawl spaces and basements.
2. Floor structure
3. Wall structure
4. Ceiling Structure: and
5. Roof structure, and report the methods used to inspect the attic.
D. A home inspector is not required to:
1. Provided an engineering service: or
2. Offer an opinion at to the adequacy of any structural system or component.
Plumbing Inspection
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect the plumbing system including:
1. Interior water supply and distribution systems, Including all fixtures and faucets;
2. Drain, waste and vent systems, Including all fixtures;
3. Water heating equipment;
4. Vent systems, flues, and chimneys;
5. Fuel storage and fuel distribution systems for presence of CSST;
6. Drainage sumps, sump pumps, and related piping;
7. The functional flow of all fixtures and faucets; and
8. The functional drainage of all fixtures.
B. We shall describe the plumbing system, including:
1. Water supply, drain, waste, an vent piping materials:
2. Water heating equipment, including the energy source;
3. The location of main water and main fuel shut-off valves; and
4. The presence of CSST with the recommendation the the bonding of the CSST be reviewed by a licensed master electrician.
C. A home inspector is not required to:
1.Inspect any of the following:
a. Clothes washing machine connections;
b. Interiors of Flues or chimneys that are not Readily accessible;
c. Wells, well pumps, or water storage related equipment;
d. Water conditioning systems;
e. Solar water heating systems;
f. Fire and lawn sprinkler systems;
g. Private waste disposal systems:
2. Determine:
a. Whether water supply and waste disposal systems are public or private; or
b. The quality or quantity of the water supply; or
3. Operate safety valves or shut-off valves.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect the home exterior, including:
1. Exterior Wall coverings, Flashing and Trim:
2. All exterior doors;
3. Attached decks, balconies, stoops, steps, porches and their associated railings;
4. Eaves, soffits, and fascias that are accessible from the ground level;
5. Vegetation, grading, surface drainage, and retaining walls on the property if any of these may adversely affect the building; and
6. Walkways, patios, and driveways leading to dwelling entrances.
B. A home inspector shall describe the exterior wall coverings.
C. A home inspector is not required to inspect any of the following:
1. Screenings, shutters, awnings, and similar accessories;
2. Fences;
3. Geological, geotechnical, or hydrological conditions;
4.Recreational facilities;
5. Outbuildings;
6. Seawalls, break-walls, and docks; or
7. Erosion control and earth stabilization measures.
Heating System Inspection
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect:
1. Installed heating equipment;
2. Vent Systems, flues, and chimneys; and
3. Heating distribution.
B. A home inspector shall describe energy sources and heating methods by distinguishing characteristics and means of distribution.
C. A home inspector is not required to:
1. Inspect:
a. Flue or chimney interiors that are not readily accessible;
b. Heat exchangers;
c. Humidifiers or dehumidifiers;
d. Electronic air filters; or
e. Solar space heating systems; or
2. Determine the adequacy of the heat system or distribution balance.